Exchange trip to Berlin, October 5-9 2023

Years 10-13 Exchange trip to Berlin 5-9 October 2023
Years 10-13 Exchange trip to Berlin 5-9 October 2023

The Berlin trip was really fun. I particularly enjoyed travelling in Berlin and getting to know German culture. Our group consisted of 23 students (mostly from year 10 and year 11 but with two from year 13) and three teachers.

The first day we travelled to Germany, when we arrived we met our exchange students from the Max Planck Gymnasium. This is a grammar school near the centre of what used to be East Berlin. We then went to their house and got to know them. It was really interesting seeing the way people live in Germany compared to England. One thing I noticed was that they ate a lot later than here in England. The next day we attended some lessons. In German schools, they don’t have a uniform and they don't have a register. There is also a 20 minute break in between each 90-minute lesson. For the next couple of days we explored the city, trying German food, shopping, visiting museums and famous landmarks and memorials. We also went bowling and had a picnic with our class and the class from the German school. It was a fun way to get to know everyone. I made really good friends with my German exchange student, and we are keeping in touch. I also got to know other people’s exchange students so now I have many new German friends. It was sad to leave them and the city at the end of the week. I can’t wait for them to come to England in January!

Georgina L (Year 10)

Years 10-13 Exchange trip to Berlin 5-9 October 2023
Years 10-13 Exchange trip to Berlin 5-9 October 2023
Years 10-13 Exchange trip to Berlin 5-9 October 2023
Years 10-13 Exchange trip to Berlin 5-9 October 2023