Oxford and Cambridge Success

We would like to offer huge congratulations to four of our Year 13 students, their families and their teachers on achieving offers for Oxford or Cambridge next year:

  • Grace K for Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge
  • Calum M for Human, Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge
  • Tobias D for Maths at Cambridge
  • Shikiba H for Law at Oxford

In particular, we would also like to thank David Gimson, Kate Hackett and the rest of the Sixth Form team for the hard work and care they put into helping these and all our other students achieve these results. 

Shikiba, Tobias and Calum
Shikiba, Tobias and Calum from Year 13, who have all received offers to study at Oxbridge.

Offers from other universities continue to come in, and as is the norm, our medical applicants still need to wait to hear from most of their chosen courses.